libPLS: an Integrated Library for Partial Least Squares Regression and Linear Discriminant Analysis

Featured in Model Population Aanlysis (MPA) approaches

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3. The libPLS paper is published in Chemom. Intell. Lab. Syst.
2. Customer prior is allowed in LDA to weigh each class of samples in version 1.98.
1. Elastic Component Regression(ECR) added in version 1.95.


It is assumed that you have basic working knowledge of Matlab. First, download the current version of libPLS and unzip it. Then, you need to set your current work folder to be "libPLS_1.0" or add "libPLS_1.0" to the search path of Matlab. After this, you are all set. The example data corn_m51.mat included in this library will be used to show the usage of functions. To know how to use the functions in this library, you are suggested to open the source code file and see what input and output means.

1 PLS Regression

Go to help document for PLS for help


Go to help document for PLS for help

if you need any help on usage of PLS or PLS-DA, pease drop me a line at: lhdcsu@gmail.com.

libPLS: an Integrated Library for Partial Least Squares Regression and Discrimiannt Analysis. libPLS is under continuous development.